Monday, October 15, 2012

Things That Make Me Mad

Things that make me mad- people that constantly complain, when you know something is right but it won’t work, when I try really hard and still fail

People that constantly complain free write- I hate it when people constantly complain. It is probably the one thing that I hate the most. They find something that they aren’t happy with and tell everyone they see about it for as long as someone will listen to them. It’s usually not even something important that they are complaining about. It usually doesn’t even pertain to them. I think that people like that just like to hear the sound of their own especially irritates me at work. You’re getting paid to do the stuff you’re complaining about, whining is just making it take longer and you’re slowing everybody down. The way I was raised, if you were told to do something, you do it, no questions asked. If you had tie to complain then you had time to do some extra work. I try to live by the golden rule which is doing unto others as you would have done unto you. With this said I try not to complain because it annoys me when other people do it. I think that people that complain like this are less mature than they think they are because they won’t just do the job they were told to do, which to me sounds like something that a little child does.

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