Monday, October 15, 2012

Extreme editing- random personality traits

When the man walked into the room, he was instantly intriguing. He walked with a slight limp, as if he had been wounded in a war. If I had to compare him to someone that most people would recognize, he would be similar to Gandalf from the Lord of the Rings. He was tall, pushing 6’7”. He had long, white hair that flowed over his massive shoulders.  He was surprisingly fit for someone of his age. His beard was the same color as his hair and was as bushy as a hedge bush that hadn’t been trimmed in a while. His old school glasses made his deep blue eyes really pop against his somewhat pale complexion. You could barely make out the trace of tattoos starting at both of his elbows that appeared to be the start of half sleeves. But even more interesting than his appearance’s was his personality. He was talkative yet reserved. He could talk to anyone about almost anything because he was knowledgeable in what seemed like every subject. He took in all of his surroundings in a subtle way. Even though he was talkative, he was a loner. He was just as comfortable in a crowd as he was isolated from the world. When he talked to his friends you got a sense of friendly camaraderie. Headphones always sat close to his ears, giving the sense that he liked music.
When the man walked into the room, he instantly intrigued me. He walked with a slight limp, as if he had been wounded in a war. If I were to compare him to someone that most people would recognize, he would be similar to Gandalf from the Lord of the Rings. He towered over people, almost 6’7” I would guess, yet he seemed a gentle giant. His long, white hair flowed over his massive shoulders.  His fitness surprised me for someone of his age, which I estimated to be early fifties. His beard matched the same color as his hair and appeared as bushy as a lion’s mane. His old school glasses made his deep blue eyes really pop against his somewhat pale complexion. You could barely make out the trace of tattoos starting at both of his elbows that appeared to be the start of half sleeves. But the cause of more interest came not from his appearances, but his personality. He spoke skillfully and people listened to him with wonder in their eyes, yet he maintained a sort of reserved vibe that I couldn’t put my finger on. It seemed could talk to anyone about almost anything because of an apparent knowledge in what seemed like every subject, yet he would humbly admit when he was wrong and actively accepted criticism. He took in all of his surroundings in a subtle way. Even though he was talkative, he seemed that he could be a loner. He appeared just as comfortable in a crowd as he would be isolated from the world. When he talked to his friends you got a sense of friendly camaraderie. Headphones always sat close to his ears, giving the sense that he liked music.

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