Friday, December 7, 2012

stress relief

My main stress is myself. I procrastinate like a pro. I can have something sitting right in front of me that I really need to do, and I’ll find something else to do instead. It’s a terrible habit, and I feel extremely guilty while I’m doing it but I can never seem to make myself do those things that need to be done. Homework is just one of the things that I do it on. I always put off homework till the last possible moment, and it usually ends up with me screwing myself over. My room is a mess because I always find a way to distract myself whenever I could be cleaning it up. It really does frustrate me. I know that the things that I should be doing are important, I constantly think thoughts like “I should do this” or “I should quit putting this off” but it rarely helps. Sometimes I just can’t seem to focus. I start doing something then my mind starts to wander and I’ll just do something else. This usually happens when I try to study. I’ll be reading along then a word will just start me thinking and I’ll just let it keep going until I forgot what I was originally doing. Sometimes I just lack drive to do anything besides lie down and watch Netflix. That’s  the worst because I know I need to be productive but my body just doesn’t feel like doing anything.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Would You Rather

Stoned to death with pickles vs. suffocating in mayonnaise
Between the two horrible choices of death, I would probably choose to be stoned to death by pickles. There isn’t really a good choice this time around but I think that suffocation would be the worst way to die. With suffocation you get a feeling of helplessness. While you’re helpless with the pickle stoning, you could at least try and fight it. I’m not quite sure that you can be stoned to death with pickles anyway so that reinforces my choice a little; while I’m quite sure that you can suffocate in mayonnaise. I hate the feeling of not being able to breathe.
Living eyebrows that moved about your face vs. leaving a trail of paprika everywhere you go
I would rather have living eyebrows that could move around my face than leave a trail if paprika everywhere I went because I would learn to control my eyebrows and make them become a mustache that could do tricks. Also, who wants a trail of paprika that follows them wherever they go? That would not be beneficial to anyone, except a bounty hunter that could use this trail to hunt you down, so the paprika trail is more likely to get you killed than the moving eyebrows. I guess that the paprika could be beneficial to you if you were in the culinary arts, but people would probably complain about not knowing the source of your paprika and they might sue you. It appears to me that the paprika trail is just bad news all around.  
Look like Yasser Arafat in the mirror vs having the imperial march play when you walk into a room
Without question I would have the imperial march play when I walk into a room. Yasser Arafat is one ugly dude for one and the imperial march demands respect from everyone you see when you walk into a room, for fear that I might force choke them, or send them through a wall.
Sleep between the mattress and the box spring vs having funky town play every time you hear music
I would choose to sleep between the box spring and mattress, mostly because I think that funky town would get extremely annoying very fast. I like a variety of music anyway, so listening to only one song would really get on my nerves. Sleeping between the box spring and mattress might not be so bad actually. It would take some getting used to, but I think I could do it.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Cookies vs. Cupcakes

If I had to choose between cupcakes and cookies I would probably have to choose cookies. Both are excellent, but cookies have more to offer in my opinion. There are almost an infinite amount of cookie recipes that can all be extremely different. They can be different as far as taste, texture, they can have toppings or they can be standalone, and they can have a variety of things mixed in with them. I also like cookies more because while cupcakes are sound good sometimes, I can always eat a cookie. Cupcakes do have their own upsides. They are soft and usually moist, they have icing, they can be very appealing to the eyes, and they almost always taste amazing.  

Monday, October 22, 2012


Red. The color red brings all kinds of images to my mind. Pictures of fire trucks, a red wagon, a rose. I don’t have a favorite color but red is if I did red would be in the top 3. It is a color that is very distinguishable. Red really pops against its background. When I think of red fall comes to mind. I think this is because all the leaves start to turn a reddish color. I also think of Christmas, and all the good things that accompany that holiday. I think that when we think of red, we usually think of positive things. A lot of advertisements use the color red because of this very reason. Red warms us up. It makes us feel good about the day. Red might be the most commonly used color in today’s media. It could be because it pops really well. It could be because people are drawn to the color red for some unknown reason. Maybe it’s because red is usually compared to life. If someone’s cheeks are red then they are alive and well.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Guitars have played an important part in my life. I grew up in a traveling bluegrass band and was constantly surrounded by music. I started to play instruments at a very young age. I started playing the violin at the age of 3. I later switched to the mandolin and eventually made my way to the guitar. I would have to say that the guitar is the easiest of the three to play but you can do so many cool things with a guitar. My mom was my main influence for starting to play. She played bluegrass for as long as I could remember and I really liked how she played. My first guitar was a telecaster that I played through an acoustic guitar amp. It sounded terrible but I didn’t care. I learned all the beginner songs and played them constantly. Sweet home Alabama, Back in Black, Smoke on the Water and many other songs could be heard coming from my room in a continuous flow as I got better and better. I then got an Epiphone Les Paul 100 and a Line 6 amp and that was an awesome time. That amp could do just about anything and the Les Paul sounded amazing through it. Over the years I stopped playing as much. I pick up one of my guitars every once in a while and see what I remember and try some new things, but its not like it used to be. I recently got an Epiphone SG and a Marshall tube amp that sound completely amazing together.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Extreme editing- random personality traits

When the man walked into the room, he was instantly intriguing. He walked with a slight limp, as if he had been wounded in a war. If I had to compare him to someone that most people would recognize, he would be similar to Gandalf from the Lord of the Rings. He was tall, pushing 6’7”. He had long, white hair that flowed over his massive shoulders.  He was surprisingly fit for someone of his age. His beard was the same color as his hair and was as bushy as a hedge bush that hadn’t been trimmed in a while. His old school glasses made his deep blue eyes really pop against his somewhat pale complexion. You could barely make out the trace of tattoos starting at both of his elbows that appeared to be the start of half sleeves. But even more interesting than his appearance’s was his personality. He was talkative yet reserved. He could talk to anyone about almost anything because he was knowledgeable in what seemed like every subject. He took in all of his surroundings in a subtle way. Even though he was talkative, he was a loner. He was just as comfortable in a crowd as he was isolated from the world. When he talked to his friends you got a sense of friendly camaraderie. Headphones always sat close to his ears, giving the sense that he liked music.
When the man walked into the room, he instantly intrigued me. He walked with a slight limp, as if he had been wounded in a war. If I were to compare him to someone that most people would recognize, he would be similar to Gandalf from the Lord of the Rings. He towered over people, almost 6’7” I would guess, yet he seemed a gentle giant. His long, white hair flowed over his massive shoulders.  His fitness surprised me for someone of his age, which I estimated to be early fifties. His beard matched the same color as his hair and appeared as bushy as a lion’s mane. His old school glasses made his deep blue eyes really pop against his somewhat pale complexion. You could barely make out the trace of tattoos starting at both of his elbows that appeared to be the start of half sleeves. But the cause of more interest came not from his appearances, but his personality. He spoke skillfully and people listened to him with wonder in their eyes, yet he maintained a sort of reserved vibe that I couldn’t put my finger on. It seemed could talk to anyone about almost anything because of an apparent knowledge in what seemed like every subject, yet he would humbly admit when he was wrong and actively accepted criticism. He took in all of his surroundings in a subtle way. Even though he was talkative, he seemed that he could be a loner. He appeared just as comfortable in a crowd as he would be isolated from the world. When he talked to his friends you got a sense of friendly camaraderie. Headphones always sat close to his ears, giving the sense that he liked music.

Things That Make Me Mad

Things that make me mad- people that constantly complain, when you know something is right but it won’t work, when I try really hard and still fail

People that constantly complain free write- I hate it when people constantly complain. It is probably the one thing that I hate the most. They find something that they aren’t happy with and tell everyone they see about it for as long as someone will listen to them. It’s usually not even something important that they are complaining about. It usually doesn’t even pertain to them. I think that people like that just like to hear the sound of their own especially irritates me at work. You’re getting paid to do the stuff you’re complaining about, whining is just making it take longer and you’re slowing everybody down. The way I was raised, if you were told to do something, you do it, no questions asked. If you had tie to complain then you had time to do some extra work. I try to live by the golden rule which is doing unto others as you would have done unto you. With this said I try not to complain because it annoys me when other people do it. I think that people that complain like this are less mature than they think they are because they won’t just do the job they were told to do, which to me sounds like something that a little child does.