Friday, September 28, 2012

Be Cool To The Pizza Guy (This I Believe)

Summary- The blog post entitled "Be Cool To The Pizza Guy" is written in response to the subject of a rule to live your life by. The author choose the philosophy of being kind to the pizza guy and proceed to tell her reasons why. The first reason was that it's basic human kindness. He's just a guy doing his job, and if he cuts you off, there isn't really any need to get mad at him because you wouldn't appreciate it if you were in his shoes. Her  second reason for this credo is that we've all been in that guys shoes. Taking jobs just that we don't really like but because it puts food on the table. Being kind to the pizza guy also reminds us of the honor in honest work. They're just doing there job to the best of their ability. They're not trying to scam anyone out of money or make a quick buck. The final reason that she gave was that we are all equal. We're not any better than him and he deserves as much respect as the next guy.

How this credo makes me feel- after reading this i kind of get a new perspective on life in general and its also kinda personal.

Why does it make me feel this way- I get a different perspective on life because I've never thought of it this way. It makes me think of life in a sense that we are all just trying to get through it together, not just individually. We rely on people that we don't know everyday in order to just survive and don't even realize it. how would it make you feel if you were doing your job and someone gets mad at you for basically nothing? so if someone forgets to turn on their blinker, why should we get pissed off and uptight about it? its a minor detail in life that we will forget about in the next 15 minutes, so why not just let it be? you don't know what that person is going through, where they are headed, what the situation is. Its not like we always blinker anyway. we are humans. we forget things. so instead of being a hypocrite, just wave and go about your day. how can we continue to exist as a human race if we cant forgive a random person on the freeway for doing something that we all have done? you cant get anywhere if you cant start small. so the next time the pizza delivery guy cuts you off, or the person at a fast food place mess's up your order, just say thank you and go about your day. I kind of rambled here but the gist of what I'm trying to get across is that we should just be happy that we are alive and able to do the basic things in life that we usually take for granted. Being in the same place as the guy described, living paycheck to paycheck, it gives me a new respect for my job. I work in the pizza game as well and i hate it when a coustmer gets pissy and yells at the manager about something really minor. I get that sometimes things are to be fixed, but if your able to go to the store and buy a pizza then i would think that you should be pretty happy with your life. Too few people see life this way. But remember, I'm pulling for you, were all in this together. Heres a link to the original post if anyone is interested- Be Cool To The Pizza Delivery Dude

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My Agenda for Tuesday

My Tuesday started in the wee hours of the night. I went to bed around 2 a.m. Tuesday night while watching Netflix. I woke up around 10 a.m. that morning and cleaned my room up a little bit, then headed to Wal-Mart. I have a lot of bug bites on my legs right now so I got some anti itch cream, as well as some shaving cream. I stopped by McDonald's on the way home for some lunch. when i got home i worked on a little homework before i had to go to work. I left for work around 2:40 and arrived about 2:55. Work was pretty typical for a Tuesday, pretty slow with a few medium sized rushes. I found out that the assistant store manager got fired that day and that one of my supervisors that i wasn't very found of got demoted, so that made my day a little better. I got the store closed around 11:15 p.m. and headed home. When I got home i did a little homework but was getting frustrated with it so I watched some shows on Netflix instead. That was about the gist of my day Tuesday.

Summary- Tuesday i cleaned my room, went to wal-mart, got some McDonald's, worked on some homework and went to work.

Analysis- after reading what i did yesterday, I found that I watch a lot of netflix at some strange hours of the night. It also makes me wonder why I'm so tired today, because it doesn't seem like i was that busy yesterday even though I had to go to work. I usually feel fine with the amount of sleep that i got, but I'm kinda tired today. As far as the meaning, I'm not really sure how to answer that. I feel like it was a typical Tuesday so there isn't really a meaning behind it. if i have any discoveries it is that i kind of have a set schedule down.

goal- I would like to become a master diver someday.

evidence of working towards my goal throughout the day- since i lack most of the equipment and the locations necessary to work torwards this particular goal, i dont get to really work on it very often. its not really something that you can just go out and do typically. So I guess i didnt get to work on that goal yesterday.

Monday, September 10, 2012

A little about myself

My name is Seth Christian Thompson, I am 18 years old and I am currently attending Ozarks Technical Community College. I was born on October 24, 1993 in Springfield,  Missouri to Jim and Tracy Thompson. up until i was 5 years old I lived in a small town called Monett. I attended preschool in Monett, and in the begining of my kindergarten year we moved to a smaller town called Pierce City. I have lived around there since then and graduated from Piece City High School. Some of my hobbies include video games, hunting, hanging out with friends. This is just a short introduction to me.